Friday, November 15, 2013

Ideal foods to shape your body!

Reduce your fat, and Shape your body, NOW !

     Perhaps, you have dreamed 6 pack once time, but it was long way and you failed to carry on reduce your diet. This is a chance to resolve yourself to reduce your fat and obtain ideal body !
     This picture is my friend. He started reducing his weight September 13, 2013, one years ago. Finally he obtains his ideal body !

How can you reduce your diet?

     Remember what kind of foods you eat in usual. Maybe there contains a lot of carbohydrates and fats. some people misunderstand that if they work out, they would be slim. Working out is necessary, but you should care about your foods. You should reduce the rate of these ingredients. You have to make protein-centered life. Eat foods that contain a lot of proteins. For example, chicken breast meats, eggs, milk, etc. Carbohydrate : Protein : Fat = 3 : 4 : 1 is best. You need to check the ingredients that you will eat constantly. Quitting smoking and drinking is better. You should carry on controlling your foods at least 3 month. Then, you will notice that your body is gradually changing. START NOW !

The Leg and Ab Day

This time, I will introduce you guys about the Leg and Ab working out!

     Of course, working out is hard and makes you so tired. But you have to resolve yourself in Leg and Ab day... Many trainees like chest working out, but, include me, Led and Ab work out are terrible!!
     Squat is the best way to obtain strong leg like thick woods. Learning a correct form of squat is difficult. Perhaps you would be injured some ports of your body if you do without practicing and learning correct one. at first put the barbell on your shoulders and traps. Open your legs with shoulder width. Absorb breath and bend your knees slowly until the height of your buttocks comes below your knees. Then, lift up. You can get thick legs!
     You dream to get 6 pack, right? If you are man, keep silent and crunch. GO HARD ! NO EXCUSE !
You Can Do It !!

The Back Day

Today, I will introduce you guys how to obtain a wide and thick back!!

     There are many muscles in back, but I want to focus on Traps and Lats.
     The effective working out of these parts is definitely doing Dead Lift. It was called as the king of working out. At first, stand in front of barbell and  open your leg with shoulder width. Then, grab the shaft tightly, and lift up until your back will become straight. After that, put it down slowly. The important point is that when you hold the shaft, you should not bend your back. Look this picture.
This is a Arnold's working out. His back is kept straight. If you bend your back during Dead Lift, you would be injured, perhaps. Actually, Dead Lift use whole muscle, and especially use your Traps and Lats. Go hard, and Get a cool Back!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Arm and Shoulder Day


   This time, I will present you guys how to obtain thick arm and big shoulder like a bowling ball!

        Before starting I will explain about the structure of arm and shoulder. Arm is consist of fore-arm, biceps, and triceps. Shoulder is composed of front, side, and rear muscle. The arm and shoulder muscle are related closely, so stimulating both arm and shoulder muscle simultaneously improve their developing more effectively. Furthermore, biceps is an antagonist muscle of triceps. Working out the antagonist muscle is also promote both muscle's growth.

        First of all, it is about how to work out the biceps. There are many items to develop your biceps, but I focus on the basic Arm Curl. Grab the shaft softly (It is because if you grab the shaft tightly, you would use other muscle like fore-arm muscle.), and centralize consciousness in only biceps with a little bit incline you body fore. 

        Second, it is about triceps. Triceps is an antagonist muscle of biceps. The effective item is Triceps Extension. Look down this picture.
       Lay down on the bench, and at first lift up the barbell straightly (stretch your arm), and repeat stretch and shrinkage your triceps with your elbows as the fulcrum. 

       Finally, it is about the working out of shoulder. It is to perform three in a good balance to greatly make a firm shoulder, Front, Side, Rear Raise.
       Perform these three exercise in succession without interval. Such as working out called "Giant set". This one bring strong stimulation to muscle. It can be common to all that centralize in consciousness in specific part that you want to develop during working out is crucial.

The Chest Day

  Today, I will introduce you guys how to work out of your chest muscle!

    There are a lot of ways to develop your chest, but in my blog, I will focus on the Bench Press. You can see many people lift up bench press in the gym, but few people know correct and effective way to do bench press. Actually, sometimes doing wrong way of bench press triggers dangerous accidents. But if you learn the correct way of bench press, it would be most effective item to improve your chest muscle.

    First of all, you need to learn correct form of bench press. Pull your shoulders blade to inside, and bend your back with keeping your shoulders and hip attached on bench. Open your arms to the width of your shoulders, and grab the shaft tightly. Absorb breath, and lift up the shaft. Drop the shaft until attached your chest, then push up.

    Second, you should find your suitable weight. After you decide your weight, determine the reps and sets. In usual, 8 reps×3 sets are best performance. If you accomplish this sets, you can try heavier weights, whereas, if you fail to accomplish this, you can change your reps and sets. For example, 8 reps×3 sets →✖, change it to 6 reps×4 sets. Regulate your total count of lift to 24. This means that keep fixed count makes your development clearly.

    Finally, if you try to lift up heavier weight, you should ask your training partner to help you. Actually, death accident during the bench press was occurred a few years ago. Furthermore, you should not push yourself too strictly. Hard working out is necessarily, but you should distinguish overworking and safety line.

          Welcome to BodyBuilding .com!

       Many people have being annoyed with their slovenly body these days...As you! You dream to gain your ideal body, right? You maybe had tried to work out and exercise in the gym at once, but you could not carry on in the end. Working out is hard and painful.
In this blog, I will introduce you guys to work out more effectively and reduce your hateful fat, and gain your ideal body!  NO PAIN, NO GAIN!